Rev. Tiffany J. Barsotti, PhD
Fund at CHI.

Jude Currivan, PhD

Photo: TJ Best

Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, M.Th., Ph.D., was a leading light in healing science and practice. As a spiritual and medical intuitive counselor, founding teacher in Personal Self Integration, and frontier biofield researcher, Tiffany freely shared countless gifts of wisdom, presence, energy and unconditional love within her community as well as within the broader circle of humanity.

Tiffany was a founding member of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) as well as a member of CHI’s Healing Practitioner Council. She actively participated in CHI’s education activities to share practical wisdom on personal healing as well as cutting edge research with scientists, practitioners and patients. Some of her wisdom from CHI interviews and webinars are freely accessible in the videos below, which we encourage you to watch.

In addition, Tiffany was a favorite guest on GAIA TV as well as faculty at the Shift Network, and presented her work at numerous international scientific conferences. Tiffany’s wisdom touched tens of thousands of people across the world and personally touched thousands of students who experienced direct transformation and healing from her teachings. You can learn more about Tiffany’s work on her website, Heal and Thrive.

Tiffany’s contributions to the field were vast and we suspect some of her contributions to biofield science are just beginning to seed the field toward a better understanding of the integration among the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of whole person health. Her groundbreaking Master’s thesis (under the mentorship of Dr. Norm Shealy and Carolyn Myss at Holos University), proposed a bioenergetic pathway of the reticular activating system, vagus nerve, and Alta Major chakra as a nexus for integrating spiritual, energetic and physiological states of being and health. She published this work as a book, The Biology of Transformation: The Physiology of Presence and Spiritual Transcendence, now freely available across booksellers worldwide.  In addition, her seminal contributions to the science of sacred space, which formed the basis for her Ph.D. dissertation at Akamai University, investigated changes in biophotonic emissions of people in response to encountering a sacred object. This research was published in a peer reviewed scientific journal and can be freely accessed here.

Beyond her accomplishments, Tiffany’s Being was Healing. She brought joy and light to all whom she encountered – whether students, colleagues, or friends and family, all of whom she selflessly served.

Tiffany’s life ended on February 25, 2024 at the age of 56 – just four months after a shocking diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma, an incredibly rare and aggressive form of cancer. Despite the diagnosis, Tiffany remained in her Grace throughout the pain and suffering she incurred during this cancer, and remained an embodied teacher of love, light and wisdom until her last peaceful breath.

While Tiffany’s body is no longer with us, her spirit is eternal and her contributions to humanity will continue. Those of us who knew her in this life will continue to honor and serve her legacy and healing contributions to the field, as she did for so many others.

Rest in Grace, our dear sister in Healing.

With love,

The CHI Core team, Board and Councils.

Donate to the

Rev. Tiffany J. Barsotti, PhD Fund

Please note: CHI will be further honoring Dr. Barsotti’s vision to advance biofield science with healing practitioner insights, special public education that highlights healing practitioner perspectives and contributions to biofield science, and collaborations that foster connections between healing practitioners and scientists to advance the field.  If you’d like to learn more and support this work, please contact us or feel free to directly donate to the Rev. Tiffany J. Barsotti Fund at CHI.

More from Tiffany

Tiffany Barsotti In Memoriam

Gain insights from Tiffany on the pathway to unconditional love, vows, values and virtue, and the role of a healer in this beautiful short video. Thanks to Christina Vircillo Bresson for the filming and editing of this video.

The Healer’s Calling:

Rev. Tiffany Barsotti’s Story

In this short video, Tiffany shares how she was called into healing from a health crisis of her own.

Personal Self-Integration

with Tiffany Barsotti, Ph.D. & Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.

In this CHI webinar, Tiffany and her husband, Dr. Paul Mills, discuss the role of Personal Self Integration in healing, explaining how making friends with and integrating our archetypal selves can provide powerful personal transformation.

Evolving from Drama to Empowerment

with Tiffany Barsotti, Ph.D.

In this CHI webinar, Tiffany explains how to get off the “drama triangle” to open possibilities for healthier relationships and harmony within one’s self.

Please access Tiffany’s research through her book and
peer review publications below.

Please leave a prayer of gratitude for Tiffany in the box below.


  1. I worked with Tiffany every day for about 3 years at Psy-Tek Labs starting in 2010. We became very good friends and continued working together on several projects some of which ended up in peer-reviewed publications. She was such a vibrant vital person. I remember her talking how she liked car racing, not as a spectator but has a driver. We had projects we did not finish that we wanted one day to publish but it will not happen now. I feel that this is so surreal! I will miss her.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful memorial of Tiffany’s life & her vast contributions to humanity!
    Her spirit will live on because through her teachings, friendship & her love – she blew our hearts wide open…✨

  3. What a Beautiful Being you are. Heaven missed you too much and called you home too soon, but your Spirit remains with us here. Thank-you for Gracing us with your Presence. Your Legacy lives on throughout Eternity.

  4. R.I.P. Tiffany
    May your light, love, spirit and teachings live on, for the healing of the people friends and family!.
    You are dearly missed 🤗💗✨

  5. Dear Tiffany,
    Thank you for your incredible light and service to the world. I am so grateful to have met you and connected in a heartfelt way about our aligned work. May your beautiful presence and action in the 3D world continue to exponentially ripple out touching many. My heart and positive intentions go out to you in your transition and your family and friends.


  6. The example you set of entangling science with spirit will continue to be one I shall honor and follow. Thank you for your insights, wisdom, and love.

  7. Thank you so much for your being Tiffany. I know myself being very, very lucky for having been able to learn a lot from you. And deep down inside I am positive that your light will go on shining for many, many lifetimes and up into eternity. 🪔🧡🙏

  8. My heart just broke! I did a course with Tiffany at the Shift and I go back to it time after time. You were a rare and wonderful person. It’s difficult to find words…

  9. I met Tiffany through Don Estes and Lauren Evanow and became her student in March 2018 for Levels 1 and 2 of the BioWell Training through Heal & Thrive in San Diego. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov came – in person – to teach Level 2 and Tiffany was there every minute of the training. I will never forget her wisdom, guidance (my beloved father had very recently passed and she was very tender and compassionate with me), and kindness during that time.

    Tiffany, I am forever grateful for your vivacious and yet gentle spirit, your inner and outer beauty, and wish you an ecstatic return to source – I’m sure that party has already started! May all who love you feel it in our hearts. Your work on this planet this go round? WELL DONE!

    Don gave me the news of your diagnosis just a few days ago and Lauren happened to be with me yesterday, telling me that you had transitioned on Sunday before I had a chance to thank you. So please hear my gratitude and love for everything Tiffany now. Blessings on your fascinating journey until we meet again!

  10. Dear Shamini,Thank you for delivering the extremely sad message. I am shocked.Of course, I am grateful for all her contributions to our community.
    My deepest condolences to Paul Miller. Pray that he will heal soon and continue the work of both of them although I know that he has his own path.The one we are not having on this planet anymore is just reminding us that we will follow and be together forever.Talking to Tiffany and telling her how much we love her will help us

    Shamini,thank you for your goodness.

  11. “Tiffany’s Being is Healing,” I told a colleague when Tiffany would visit the Encinitas Chrysalis Oasis. Her spirit of light and joy brought healing to all whom she engendered and embraced. A selfless spirit to live on in the healing of family, friends, people and the planet. R.I.P. Tiffany

  12. I remember hearing Dr. Barsotti, speak as a guest in one of Dr. Shamini’s Shift Network Seminars. I was absolutely wowed by many of her insights.

    Condolences to her family, friends and loved ones; and many thanks for her Brilliant Being.

  13. Your light shines brightly Tiffany. I remember the day I ran across your research and I was excited beyond measure; I shared your work with a dozen colleagues. And as life would unfold, our paths crossed at ISSSEEM, CHI, then again in several online classes over the years. I was so happy when you began working with the esoteric healing community.

    Paul and your family are in our prayers. Your beautiful soul lives on in the work you so graciously shared. Rest in grace, your healing gifts will always be remembered.

  14. I was blessed to have taken several courses with Tiff through Shift and Heal &Thrive. Her bright light soul and wisdom will always be with me. She helped me through many ‘aha’ moments and life changing shifts. I expect she has taken her place with the ascended masters to continue to provide her light and wisdom to us. I would say you are missed, but you are forever in my heart. 🙏🥰💖

  15. Tiffany, so much gratitude for all our time together! It’s been a joy for so many years. Hope your journey now is the best adventure of your life!

  16. Tiffany was truly a true healer and embodied love and light. I met her as a professional first, then went to her as a friend/patient as she helped me through some of my most challenging life experiences. I still think of many of the words she said and the wisdom she imparted during our healing sessions. Her many contributions to the healing arts and sciences will live on and continue to create healing in the world.

  17. You will be so missed. Thank you for all you contributed to us all!

  18. It was an honor to know and love Tiff. She was one of the most authentic spiritual beings who shared her love with us, and I always considered her to be an embodied angel who, I’m sure, will continue to bestow her love and wisdom upon us. you will be sorely missed, dear Sister.

  19. This is deeply sad and very surprising. My deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. We are sure she us shining in the Heavens.

  20. Thank you dear 😇Angel for blessing the earth – and now the heavens- with your Wisdom, Grace and Love. 💜
    Blessings and Condolences to her husband, family, friends and all who knew and loved her🙏🏻

  21. May Her Light Shine through her remarkable CONTRIBUTION to Healing Space.

  22. I met Tiffany back in 2010 when she came to Pacific College for a public lecture on integrative medicine. We quickly connected on an energetic level – like she did with all of us – and I would go on to spend time with her and Gaetan at Psy-Tek Labs. I would invite her to speak in my research class on her work on biofield science over the years and my students were always inspired! Her contribution in frontier sciences will live on in our hearts and minds. She has touched many of us and she will be missed.

  23. Tiffany, you are so missed by all those who had the pleasure and honor of knowing you…I’ve said this before, but I am beyond grateful our paths crossed in this lifetime. You were such a healing and guiding light, and while you may not be physically present with us on earth now, I trust and know you continue to shine your loving energy and spirit all around us. Your transition from the physical to the spiritual realm will take time to come to grips with. Grief is one of the hardest emotions, and I am saddened to not have had the opportunity to say goodbye or to truly express all the ways you have impacted me with your love, groundedness, and grace. You were a healer through and through, and I know that hasn’t changed as you continue to live on and heal others through our memories with you, the legacy you leave behind, and the love we all feel for you. I vow to continue sprinkling your love, wisdom, and the healings you’ve imparted to share with others. Love you friend and sending big hugs, love, and healing to Paul. May we be reunited again someday <3

  24. Thank you for this, Shamini and CHI. Tiffany leaves a beautiful legacy with her profound work and wisdom, and a beloved presence to her students, friends and colleagues. It’s hard to believe this vibrant spirit has left us so soon. Until we meet again, sister. Peace.

  25. Thank you for your teachings. May you Rest in Love.
    My deep, deep condolences to your family. I can’t imagine how much you are missed.

  26. Thank you for your teachings. May you Rest in Love.
    My deep, deep condolences to your family. I can’t imagine how much you are missed by them all.

  27. Tiffany, thank you for sharing your wisdom so openly, so authentically, and for your scholarship and caring. Your life and memory are shining examples of how to live, learn and love. Thank you for uplifting all you encountered with your light.

  28. I met Tiffany during my post-doc with Paul at UCSD. We instantly connected scientifically and spiritually and joyfully.
    Tiffany, you are a such a source of light for me and also offered me guidance while I was navigating through my own journey in these years. I bow to you in deep gratitude. Shine on!

    Paul, I still hold dearly the last time I was with you and Tiffany. You both are mentors and dear friends. All my love to you in this transition.

  29. We are so grateful for the honoring our beloved Tiffany! May the fund be totally realized and further enhance lives Tiffany has touched and will be touched with her joyous, loving heart!

  30. Tiffany, meeting you and working with you has been a blessing and a never-ending journey of learning. Thank you for all the love, knowledge, and guidance that you have shared with me and others. We will always hold you and your teachings in our hearts.

  31. Thank you Shamini for putting this together and sharing.Just 3 nights ago I was traveling to Costa Rica and had a strong impulse to call Tiffany to see how she was doing and to let her know how much I love her and always will. When I recieved this news today it brought much sadness to my Heart, I didn’t want to believe what I had just read.

    Tiffany has always been my super hero, Wonder-Women. I was blessed to had the opportunity to live with her for around a year as a roommate.Tiffany showed me what the potential we humans have. From her inner work, outer work, social activities, and all the love and support she shared with me and so many others. This inspired me to step my game up, I will always remember her as one of the most significant important sister’s in this life.

    When Paul and her became partners and lovers, I was blessed again to be in there presence on many occasions, housitting for time to time and just staying as a guest. I was blessed again to experienced see what a really healthy, happy relationship to beautiful souls can experience together. I can clearly remember one day after spending time with the two of them, I would never settle for anything less than the amazing love/life team they had created together.I send my my love and condolences to Paul for I know how much she meant to you, you shared the true meaning of Love💞⚘🌻🌹

  32. What a beautiful kind and intelligent lady is how I know Tiffany. Her mom was always very proud of who she had become. The accomplishments are beyond amazing. May others build on the work she has set the groundwork for.

  33. Thank you, Shamini, for using the word Grace…for indeed, that is what Tiffany had boundlessly. Her time with us here may be over yet I feel deeply that her infinite Grace is available to us whenever she comes to Heart ad mind. Thank you both for this beautiful tribute to this Goddess of Light.

  34. This is such sad news, I learned so much from her about relationships in her Shift Network Drama Triangle class. She was so patient, insightful, thoughtful, funny, and kind. She must be needed on the other side.❤️
    My heart goes out to her husband and family.

  35. What an honor it was to work with and benefit from Tiffany’s wisdom and grace. She will be greatly missed, yet her accomplishments and messages will continue to touch others for years to come. Heartfelt gratitude for her dedication to self-awareness and sharing all that she embodied with the world. Blessings to all and condolences to Paul Mills, MD.

  36. I had the great honor of being one of Tiffany’s online students. Her dedication and love of sharing her wisdom was felt in her presence. I am grateful to have known her. May she soar with angel wings through eternity. Blessings to all who were close to this beautiful soul.

  37. So much love and gratitude for Tiffany and all who are honoring her work and wisdom ❤️

  38. Thank you Shamini for sharing Tiffany’s work and videos of an real life “Earth Angel” that walked this earth and connected with many in so many ways. I know of Reverend Tiffany Barsotti via the Shift Network intro videos of her course-work. And as I listened/listen to her voice and observe her face when speaking I saw her as an Angel. So yes, many got to meet and know a real time “Earth Angel” in their lifetime. May Tiffany’s transition be easeful and the path Home illumined in Divine Light and Love. Continued blessings to Tiffany and all who were touched by her and may her husband, family, and friends share a special memory(ies) of her and Celebrate her Life. I will praying that she and I will connect in the ether, as I am on a young path knowing and helping others to understand that they are more than what they believe they are. Much Love and Peace

  39. With deep respect and gratitude, from the IONS Staff and Board of Directors — Claudia Welss

  40. Shamini, thank you for sharing this shocking and deeply sad news. Tiffany and I first met at Holos University and ISSSEEM when she was a student. We instantly connected over our shared understanding of the essential need to integrate the spiritual in any healing and healthcare, and in the long overdue reunion of science and spirit. Later I was happy to be on her doctoral committee at Akamai, as she worked to scientifically document the esoteric experiences of the Heart Field. She instantly became a bright light in the wholistic world and accomplished so much so quickly, her presence, love, and light modeling and radiating that which of she taught. My deepest condolences to Paul and her family. It’s almost inconceivable to think of her gone from this world, yet her being and her work remains to brighten our lives and further the field. I’m so grateful she was here, and I will miss her.

  41. Heartfelt condolences to family, friends, and those she touched in life. We have lost a treasure on Earth, yet her spirit and work will continue forever. With a love that endures beyond the physical boundaries, we will never forget you and strive to become the best person possible.

  42. Dearest Tiffany, a beloved soul sister to those of us who were honored to share the grace and light of your presence, through the sharing of your gifts, in your presentations on healing our body, mind and spirit. Your amazing body of work will continue to enrich our lives, as we continue to reflect on your wonderful ways of expressing the wisdom of wholeness and well-being. When looking again at the logo on your website, the subscript below, Know Yourself, Heal Yourself, Free yourself left a message, that says much about how you embraced and completed your mission by living your passion to the fullest. May we also be so blessed. Thank you for leaving so much behind for us to heal and thrive. In Spirit, we know in our heart of hearts how to tune in to ask for your inspirations. Dear heart, Enjoy the Lovelight!

  43. Dearest Tiffany, a beloved soul sister to those of us who were honored to share the grace and light of your presence, through the sharing of your gifts, in your presentations on healing our body, mind and spirit. Your amazing body of work will continue to enrich our lives, as we continue to reflect on your wonderful ways of expressing the wisdom of wholeness and well-being. When looking again at the logo on your website, the subscript below, Know Yourself, Heal Yourself, Free yourself left a message, that says much about how you embraced and completed your mission by living your passion to the fullest. May we also be so blessed. Thank you for leaving so much behind for us to heal and thrive. In Spirit, we know in our heart of hearts how to tune in to ask for your inspirations. Dear heart, Enjoy the Lovelight!

  44. A gifted healer who will do beautiful work from the other side.

  45. Tiffany Jean Barsotti was a true pure light in this world. She was a best friend of mine for over 30 years. When I met Tiffany she was working in the music business. I have only referred to one other person I knew as a genius, and Tiffany was one of them. After leaving the music industry and fulfilling her true purpose, she was unstoppable. There wasn’t enough time in her day to absorb all the knowledge and wisdom she hungered for as she acquired one degree after another. The balance and capacity she had for both science and human compassion was her genius. I have sent so many clients to Tiffany over the years and for each one of them her impact was profound and changed the trajectory of their wellness journey. She was a master at expressing compassion for human suffering while bringing wisdom along side it. She was on the cutting edge in her field and I hope her knowledge and wisdom in bio field medicine one day becomes mainstream medicine for all of us . We sure need it!

  46. 💎In the tapestry of existence, a soul so bright, Tiffany, our sister, in the gentle realms of light. A scientist of subtle energy she’d explore, A guide, a mentor, with wisdom to implore. Beloved by all, in friendship’s tender sway, Her laughter, like music, brightened every day. A beacon of love, with a smile so divine, In the corridors of memory, forever to shine. A pioneer of ideas, she danced with innovation, An architect of dreams, building each foundation. Through the love of life, she wove her grace, Leaving indelible marks in time and space. Her spirit, a constellation, in the cosmic ballet, Tiffany’s legacy, in hearts, will always stay. A beautiful light, an eternal flame, In the book of remembrance, she wrote her name. Sister, friend, wife in the tapestry she’s weaved, In our souls, her love is deeply cleaved. For Tiffany, a tribute, a poetic embrace, In the cosmos of love, she finds her place.✨

  47. Tiffany Jean Barsotti was a true pure light in this world. She was a best friend of mine for over 30 years. When I met Tiffany she was working in the music business. I have only referred to one other person I knew as a genius, and Tiffany was one of them. After leaving the music industry and fulfilling her true purpose, she was unstoppable. There wasn’t enough time in her day to absorb all the knowledge and wisdom she hungered for as she acquired one degree after another. The balance and capacity she had for both science and human compassion was her genius. I have sent so many clients to Tiffany over the years and for each one of them her impact was profound and changed the trajectory of their wellness journey. She was a master at expressing compassion for human suffering while bringing wisdom along side it. She was on the cutting edge in her field and I hope her knowledge and wisdom in bio field medicine one day becomes mainstream medicine for all of us . We sure need it!

  48. We really missed You, without a replacement

  49. Tiffany Barsotti, from my perspective was (and is) a “light being”, her life and love for healing was the testament. I had the honor of working and collaborating with her on research with Paul Mills; they also became my extended family. I still hear her voice “brother poonacha” echoing in my heart. She was always there for me to support me personally and more importantly she was instrumental in working closely with the Chopra Foundation Research team to champion energy medicine and healing. I fondly remember signing up for the first Bio-well training course. Her loss is irreplaceable, and she will always be my sister. Birth and death are human constructs, and I know from an energy perspective she is very much with me and us. My love (and also the Chopra Foundation team) and prayers are with the family, especially with my brother and colleague Paul Mills.

  50. Grateful and touched to read all the moving tributes, honoring Tev. Tiffany. Her life, love and work so beautifully interconnected have inspired and touched countless lives and she lives on through her beloved Paul, family, friends and colleagues, and her contribution to the healing of humanity.

  51. Tiffany was and is a blessing on this Earth, a beloved sister whose love, light and wisdom touched me deeply. Her message radiates and illuminates – expands outward. I am so very grateful for her presence in my life – for all the lives she has touched and will continue to touch through her profound work. Peace and so much love.

  52. I spent time reading the beautiful tributes so many posted. In particular, I was moved by Randy Hattons. There is not much more I can say , other than gratitude for the love and support she so willingly gave me in my times of need. She was also a role model to me, as was the relationship she and Paul shared. Tiffany.. keep flying to new heights. Paul.. you will be in my thoughts often. The Love you shared, and your contributions together are having impact on many .. and ring out beyond this Earth. 🫶💚

  53. Tiffany’s wisdom and dedication to scientific research and advocacy for energy healing is like a giant LIGHTHOUSE to me. I didn’t get a chance to meet you in person, but I know that we all know that your work and spirit is always with us, helping this field to shine before the eyes of the world. May you rest in peace and in the divine love of God.

  54. I love you Tiffany. Always. Katherine

  55. Tiffany thank you for your light and service to this world!! I had the pleasure of being a client and student and you opened new possibilities in me and where my eventual career path would lead. You offered guidance and even helped with my own clients when they had questions beyond my knowledge base. You also had a magical way of leading me to Chi, the next step on my path, one I thought we would share. To hear the news that you were sick and now passed was so shocking and heartbreaking. You will be missed but I also know you will continue to be a guide and mentor from the other side. Thanky you, thank you. 🙏

  56. She was draped in the most beautiful death shroud, woven from her most sacred threads from life.

    I return now to California after a deep love immersion and Soul send off that has surely changed me forever.
    My brother’s beloved wife Tiffany Barsotti, my sweet sister took her final flight home to the heavens last week. 🪽🕊️🪽

    Always the huge hearted teacher, the Rev. Dr. Tiffany left us all this final lesson of how to transcend this plane in the highest order, wrapped in grace with profound respect for both her infinite nature and the loving community she left behind.

    After she died, many of us sat in a 3-day vigil, holding sacred space sharing song, chant, music and prayer as her energy systems completed the final stages of release from her precious body vessel.

    From their home in the North Carolina hills, Tiff and my brother Paul showed us all how to deeply honor the passage between life and transcendent death.

    My heart has been blasted open to a new level of what it is to be human – to feel grief and deep love for life all wrapped into the sacred oneness.
    Broken heart 💔 and radiant ♥️ open heart revealing themselves as two sides of the same coin.

    This woman changed me and many with how she did her life and her death.

    Tiff lived large, unstoppable in her passion to make a difference as a transformational guide who walked with an effervescent presence that lit🔥 the path wherever she walked.

    Tiffany was the ideal Love mate for Paul. Please keep him in your prayers. He has a long healing road ahead. 🙏❤️🙏

  57. As I sit here shocked, and looking inward to reconnect with the Love that flows from my heart whenever I think of Tiffany, I want to express my gratitude for the time I had with such a bright soul. Whenever I spent time with Tiffany, no amount of time seemed to be enough to cover the vastness or depth of connection she managed to have with me, or any person she touched. I can’t help but feel robbed of all the things we had still hoped to discuss and explore together. I want to send my own love and support to Paul, and anyone else who might especially need it at this time. In Love and Gratitude 💗

  58. I’m still reeling in grief at the loss of Tiffany. She pioneered the field of Biofield healing. Above all, she radiated loving awareness at all times. Words cannot express how heartbroken I feel.
    Let us please keep her legacy alive and advance her contribution by supporting her work and future evolution in every way we can, including donating to the fund created for this purpose. In Gratitude
    Deepak Chopra

  59. My heart is full that this fund has been created in the memory of my beloved Tiffany and that there is such an outpouring of love and support for her. It’s clear from these comments that Tiffany was an inspiration and shining light for so many of us, an example of how a human life can be lived, with generosity of heart, compassion, joy, and an ever-inquisitive mind seeking to find ways to improve the lives of others. With gratitude to the CHI Board of Directors for establishing this fund, I look forward to seeing how it will further advance Tiffany’s unique understanding of the intricacies of the human biofield and how it supports our health, wellbeing, and spiritual unfoldment.

  60. We have know Tiffany both professionally and personally for many years. She and Paul are (not were) a dynamic team and very much loved and appreciated for their many contributions and impact on the health and wellness of so many. More importantly, for anyone who had the pleasure of spending any time with Tiffany and Paul, you were immediately in the presence for complete unconditional love and acceptance. Paul, you are not alone and know that she is and will be with you always.

    We are both saddened by the loss of her energy in our world. The impact of her love and acceptance will be with us always.

  61. I was absolutely heartbroken to learn of Tiffany’s passing. I experienced the blessing of meeting she and Paul at a “Transform Your Energy/Heal Your Life” event at Kripalu, and that experience was the beginning of my Spiritual Healing Journey. Her wisdom, and beautiful Energy were palpable to all who were privileged enough to be in her company. She was such an inspiration, and living proof of how one Soul can have such a positive impact on so many others. My most sincere condolences go out to Paul, her beloved husband and partner in Love. I pray that in time, your beautiful memories of Tiffany will bring Peace to your Heart.

    Dear Tiffany,

    Since we are all connected through the one Field of Energy and Consciousness, I believe that you can hear me. Thank you for sharing the gift of your Loving Light with so many of us while you were in the body. It feels as though you will continue to do your healing work of opening hearts from the Spiritual Realm, encouraging us to see in each other, the Spark of Divinity that we truly are.

    With Sincere Gratitude and Love,

  62. Dear Tiffany,

    Hearing the news of your passing left me with a heart heavy with sorrow. Having had the privilege of being part of your Bio-Well classes, not once but twice, I can emphatically say that your influence has been a profound light in the lives of both me and my clients. In a world increasingly devoid of genuine altruism, your selflessness and dedication to helping others were a true rarity, a gift that set you apart in the most memorable ways. Though words can scarcely do justice to the gratitude and admiration I hold for you, please know that your spirit has left an indelible mark on all who were fortunate enough to cross your path. As I send out these thoughts, I’m filled with a blend of deep sadness and profound appreciation for all that you’ve given us. May we find solace in cherishing the memories and lessons you’ve left behind, and may we carry forward your legacy in our own acts of kindness.

    With heartfelt remembrance.

  63. Tiffany’s spirit and contributions indeed will forever resonate within the hearts and minds she touched, propelling her mission forward even in her physical absence.

  64. Dear Tiffany,

    I was so heartbroken to hear of your passing. Your warm pure spirit, and deeply wise essence was so palpable to all who had the pleasure of your company or classes! You gave so much to share and elevate with the world. I loved your science and healing hybrid approach. Your teachings will continue to inspire us. Thank you for all you did. So grateful that Paul shared with me all about you. I felt I had to meet you, I delved into your classes and wisdom. Very grateful for you Tiffany! Sending blessings and support to Paul. Dear cousin my heart is with you.

  65. Tiffany, you forever changed my life. Your kindness wisdom and guidance paced the way for transformational work in my life. Thank you for your hard work and service to us all. I am so deeply grateful.

  66. Thank you, dear Tiffany, for fully engaging on this 3D plane for almost 6 decades. The cosmic dimensions were always within your reach and I trust that you are dancing now in those familiar territories that are not bound by human suffering. We are fortunate to have known you, laugh with you and to ‘imagine-in’ a more conscious and healed world.

  67. It was a blessing to take a course with Tiffany. She was such a beacon of light and fully embodied in her wisdom and teachings. I am honored to have come across her and trust that her soul is at peace and helping humanity from her vantage point.

  68. I spoke with Tiffany for about 10 minutes a couple years back. Our brief conversation will forever be in my heart. She helped me gather thoughts to truly change the course of my life. This allowed me to complete goals and tasks that were necessary for me to be the woman i am today. Thank you so much for sharing your strength with me. Rest in Grace Tiffany! I adore you!

  69. I had the privilege to interact with Tiffany a few times in consultations and courses. She was a truly an inspiring human being and felt she was from a higher dimension than most people on this planet. As many people have said she was a light warrior, a compassionate soul, a spiritual guide. Her presence and wisdom will stay with me forever

  70. I’m shocked and saddened by this news. I did one of Tiffany’s courses about 18 months ago. What a very special, beautiful soul. RIP 💕

  71. I was always inspired by her smiling outlook during her programs. She would ensure everyone is heard and understood, clear doubts and add more of her insights to help people come to get answers to their questions.Her research ability and looking into various perspective was really excellent. She though not physically available, but she is a energy who’s always curious to help others. She is now one of the angels you can call upon. Bless her soul and a new journey She embarks into.

  72. Thank you, Tiffany, for sharing your grace and wisdom with us all. I appreciate you. With love!

  73. Beloved Tiffany,

    You truly were an Angel walking among us! You held my heart at a moment when I was so fragile and your luminous grace helped me remember there is always purpose and joy to found in being alive in a body here on earth.

    Although you have left this earthly plane your spirit lives on through the imprint you left on all of us whose lives you touched!

    May you be infinitely blessed on your journey beyond precious soul and may your loved ones be comforted by the courageous inspiration you radiate still!

  74. Tiffany is one of those bright personalities that you can’t get enough of. Although she might be on vacation from the physical incarnation, she is still and always will be that gal you want to be with. Shine on, Bright Angel, and thank you for making our lives a little happier with your presence.

  75. What a blessing the day I found you on the Shift network. You resonated with me and helped explain to me so many things I understood from my own experiences, yet no one medically was speaking about. The love of your work, your magic in creating mesmerizing powerpoint slides, meditations and phenomenal methods of rainbow bridging, to support understanding and bringing the cosmos into science in the most magical grounded way. Truly, a rare gift you so readily, lovingly and compassionately shared. I have been so blessed by your generosity and love. I send love to your family and husband Paul. Your beauty and light will always be treasured in my heart.

    Helen from Australia

  76. What a blessing the day I found you on the Shift network. You resonated with me and helped explain so many things I understood from my own experiences, yet no one medically was speaking about. The love and passion in your work, more like an art as your magic in creating mesmerizing teaching slides, meditations and phenomenal methods of rainbow bridging allowed understanding and bringing the cosmos into science in the most magical grounded way. Truly, a rare gift you so readily, lovingly and compassionately shared. I have been so blessed by your generosity and love. I send love to your family and husband Paul. Your beauty and light will always be treasured in my heart.

    Helen from Australia

  77. When I read the email of Tiffany’s passing it took my breath away. At that moment I paused and focused on my breathing. I slowed to give myself space to be with the feelings that were showing up. Then, the tears came flowing. How can this be? She wasn’t family or even a close friend. I had had several sessions with her in Encinitas, CA 10 years ago and about 2 years ago reached out to her by phone-one phone conversation. I felt a genuine, loving closeness back when and recently. That closeness never faded away. She is a healer’s healer. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to be in her presence and receive her guidance. One phrase I would hear her say frequently was: “Perfecto!” Yes, Perfecto! Thank you, dear Tiffany and my prayers go out to your precious family members and friends and all those that have been touched by your love 💗

  78. Tiffany is a beautiful and powerful light being who’s influence spans the globe. I had the honor and privilege of working with Tiff and Paul in a PSI journey. It allowed me to witness Tiff’s love, light, joy, and wisdom profoundly touch many lives. And, to hear the ravings of previous students and see how many people took her workshops over and over in order to be in her healing presence was beautiful to witness as well. This is one being who’s light shines brightly with no end in sight. Her earthly legacy will live on through many lives and I doubt Tiff will ever be forgotten. Her influence has deeply impacted and changed my life and I am deeply grateful. Thank you, Tiff❣️

  79. Tiffany is a beautiful soul whose influence spans the globe. I had the honor of being a student in a PSI course and to witness first hand how her love, wisdom, compassion, grace, fortitude, and humility touched many lives. I was in awe at how many people have attended several courses, more than once, in order to benefit from her great spirit and her wealth of knowledge. She is a light that shines brightly and will continue to do so indefinitely. Her human legacy lives on in the lives of many all over the world. I have grown and changed as a result of my interaction with you Tiff❣️My appreciation of being with you for a short time goes beyond words. I look forward to your continued spirit influence. Much love ❤️ to you❣️

  80. The first time I met Tiffany was during her course “Open to divine consciousness through your alta major chakras” (Shift Network September 2022). Directly followed by her courses (Heal & Thrive) “Free yourself formula to transform Anxiety into serenity + super power” and “The drama triangle solution” and as a result of these experiences I joined “Personal Self Integration 2023” which she led together with her beloved husband Paul. Two excellent passionate coaches, leaders and human beings.
    Even though I never met her in person because of the distance (me living in Europe) her energy, her passion, her mission and love came through the screen. She made an un-erasable impression on me. I admired her tireless efforts to make us aware of all resources within ourselves and to bring them into harmony with each other and growing consciousness of the divine. This allowed me to transform my own wounds into strength. Therefor she will always be part of me; feeling blessed. You are so loved Tiffany, wherever you are now, and I am certain your guidance will continue.

  81. I learned about Tiffany from my research into Bio-Well and wanting to find a practitioner in my area. I had no idea she was doing the same sort of research Spirit has been leading me down for the past several years. As a channeler I am used to feeling energetic connections from both this and the other side and have asked her to assist me with my studies. I can assure you this beautiful soul is alive and well and still doing her work, just under a brighter sea of stars…

  82. I was stunned to hear of Tiffany’s untimely death. But after having worked with her in a collaborative setting and admiring her generous and loving presence, I can only say that if there was ever anybody equipped to transition, it was beautiful Tiffany.

  83. I just learned of Tiffany’s passing this morning. My heart is heavy at the shocking news. My interaction was brief but pivotal during advanced Bio Well training Oct 2022 with Tiffany online. Her spirit and passion was very present and appreciated. We truly never know one day to the next even living a very healthy and conscious life. Rest in peace lovely soul, you have impacted the world and fulfilled your destiny.

  84. I met Tiffany at my parents home 25 years ago when she first moved to north county and she was selling the Goretti Cross Designs in a trunk show. Our hearts and souls connected instantly so much so we stay connected and worked together as she taught and guided me through her teachings, healings with Arch Angel Micheal cut the veils of illusion into supporting my journey into believing my soul has a purpose. Isn’t it interesting how I first met her in my parents home, like the Angel 😇 she is. She said to first work on healing family relationships and then I would dismantle the my other patterns. She often shared her writings with me and still to this day I desiree to be like her. She emanated peace, love and hope just by Being. We often crossed paths walking on Del Mar beach and when she met Paul, like giddy girlfriends sharing about what True Love is….

    We were all touched deeply by the divinity she compassionately and graciously bestowed through her sparkly oceanic blue eyes.

    I wish your soul and your loved ones peace and serenity. I love and miss you.

  85. Tiffany’s beloved presence on this earthly plane touched me deeply. Her warmth and gracious heart were delightful. Her passion for the expansion of consciousness and wholeness was a distinguished anchor for humanity and the earth’s restoration at this time in history. She was a joyous, strong and convicted woman of clarity, passion and purpose. I look forward now to our paths crossing again on the ever-evolving Journey.

  86. My family of 5 moved to Encinitas, CA about 6 months before the world locked down. 2020 was wild! And while spending a lot of time outdoors taking my youngest, Seneca for neighborhood walks, I’d see Tiffany and Paul, who lived right across the street! We’d chat often about meaningful things. Soon after, it became a meal sharing friendship where we would drop off meals at each other’s homes. I loved Tiffany’s cod green curry!! One evening, Tiffany,, Paul, my husband Jonathan and I shared a bottle of wine on a blanket on the front lawn and laughed and laughed. It was a glorious evening. Tiffany beamed with the most beautiful light, a radiant grin and clear, gorgeous eyes. I loved being in her presence. She was magnetic and always spoke and operated from her heart. Her way encouraged me to dig deep and explore my purpose and my own heart. I really thought we’d make it out to Asheville and reunite. But it looks like I’ll have to find her in my dreams and when I’m exploring inward… I’m so grateful to have that too. I love you Tiffany. Thank you for your love and friendship 💗


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